I Look at this Tree and Think of Myself

“I look at the dolphins on my grandparent’s shelf and I think that this is the closest I can get.”

This series is an exploration of what happens when I turn my eyes to my family members. In the photographic moment, they become others. They stop being my family members and instead become characters in the costumes and positions I give them. The work is a story without narrative about the closest people in my life. A mix of everything. Truth, memories, lies, play and the absurdity of existence. With the help of my own photographs and the family archive, I want to explore what roles we play in front of each other and how we want to be seen.

I look at this Tree and Think of Myself, 2019

A Gift from My Mother, 2019


Isak, 2020

Mirror, 2020

Elsa Gregersdotter (Sweden, 1992) is an artist based in Stockholm. She graduated from the Valand Academy in Gothenburg with a BFA in Photography. She works in-between the documentary and staged photography. In her works, she strives to create an imagery that tells us something about being human. Gregersdotter questions the line between reality and fiction and how we look at ourselves and others, in relation to the self.

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